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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report  YCLASSICAL_JOINING *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT   yclassical_joining  NO   STANDARD   PAGE  HEADING                               LINE - SIZE   110                               LINE - COUNT   255                               MESSAGE - ID  zsan. ** T Y P E    D E C L A R A T I O N ** TYPES  :  BEGIN   OF  ty_mara,          matnr  TYPE  matnr,          ernam  TYPE  ernam,          pstat  TYPE  pstat_d,          END   OF  ty_mara,          BEGIN   OF  ty_makt,          matnr  TYPE  matnr,          spras  TYPE  spras,          maktx  TYPE  maktx,          END   OF  ty_makt,          BEGIN   OF  ty_final,          matnr  TYPE  matnr,          ernam  TYPE  ernam,          pstat  TYPE  pstat_d,          maktx  TY

ABAP Programming Types

ABAP Programming Types
In SAP,each ABAP Program has the Type ,based on the Program Type ,we can understand what is that kind of program.There are 8 programming Types .
When a program is created, the suitable statement is automatically generated by the ABAP Workbench and should be changed during editing in the additions only. In particular, the keywords FUNCTION-POOL, CLASS-POOL, INTERFACE-POOL, and TYPE-POOL should be created solely by the respective tools of the ABAP Workbench and never be entered in the source text themselves in order to avoid unexpected system behavior.
Report Type Program is Executable.
Module Pool
Module Type is a Executable PROGRAM
The introductory statement FUNCTION-POOL declares a program in which you can define function modules.
Class Pool
The introductory program statements CLASS-POOL and INTERFACE-POOL are provided solely for class and interface definitions.
Subroutine Pool
This Statement used for creating subroutines
Interface pool
Interface-pool type Programs.
Type Group
The introductory statement TYPE-POOL can only be used for type groups.
Include Program
Global level include programs can be write.!


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ALV Field Catalog in SAP ABAP

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